Digitalia Photographica - The vehicle that I use to produce, market and distribute my artwork. I also offer photography, digital print , framing and special services through DP.
Contact: Duane M. Conliffe DuaneConliffe.com 510.215.2145 dc@DigitaliaPhoto.com |
Sidney and Company - Sidney Moreno Sidney and Company seeks to provide an environment which fosters an understanding and appreciation for the art and science of photography as a valid means of visual recordation of all history - both public and private. Areas of expertise include: events, portraiture and videography.
Contact: Sidney Moreno SidneyAndCompany.com 301.801.3542 sidneyandcompany@gmail.com |
Auswork - Jason Austin. Master Line Expressionist with a very distinctive style! His art can be characterized by composition, design, and mood, creating a sense of honesty.
Contact: Jason Austin AusWorkOnline.com 707.280.2893 ausworkonline@yahoo.com |
RDC Creations - Ron Carter & Deborah Rowan. Media: Acrylics, Watercolors, Oils, Inks, Photography (B&W, Color, Digital & Transparency), Stone, Wood, Metal, Glass, Clay, Earth, Mixed Media, Found Objects and Text (Poetry, Commentary & Conversation), Environment and landscape materials and foliage and others to be found soon...no doubt!
Contact: RDC Creations http://www.mesart.com/indexps.jsp?artist=1319 530.613.6447 rdccreations@gmail.com |
Raymond L. Haywood - Painter and print maker extraordinaire who keeps his finger on the pulse of American politics and race relations
Contact: Raymond L. Haywood RaymondLHaywood.com 510.520.4116 Olio3702@gmail.com |